
RaccoonsRaccoons are one of Long Island’s most common nuisance animals. Population densities have been estimated at 65+ raccoons per square mile across most of Long Island. Raccoons mate in January-February.

In the spring the Raccoons focus primarily on mating and perpetuating their species. Female Raccoons often utilize attics, chimneys and decks of homeowners as a place to give birth and rear their young. In the fall and winter the Raccoons focus on finding food and den sites. The tree or other den site that they occupied for the spring and summer are often not suitable to keep them warm during the colder months. Raccoons seek shelter in the warmest places they can find often in attics, chimneys or under decks. In these den sites they congregate with other Raccoons sometimes several animals occupy the same den site.

Raccoon feeding habits can be best described as omnivorous and gluttonous. Raccoons often raid garbage cans that are not secure, dig up sod lawns for grubs and earthworms, eat prized koi from ponds and can wreak havoc on orchards, vineyards and farm crops, especially sweet corn. Pet food left outside is another source of sustenance for neighborhood Raccoons. Neighborhood bird feeders and food scraps can also attract foraging raccoons. Damage created by Raccoons costs Long Island homeowners, businesses and farmers millions of dollars each year.

ADVANCED Nuisance Wildlife Control Services has helps Long Islander’s manage their nuisance Raccoons problems by removing Raccoons from their homes and businesses and providing preventative solutions to avoid future conflicts.

Read about raccoon removal.